By Moriah Ama Hope
28th June 2018 Life unfolds. It’s a mystery. We don’t have all the answers but we can learn to read the signposts. Would you really want all the answers? Where’s the fun in that? It’s like seeing the end of a film before it has barely begun! Sure, there is a sense of safety in the known. But there is no growth in safety. Only predictable routine dwell in that space. Live life in the safe zone and it would be akin to living life in black and white. Wouldn’t you rather live your life in colour where each day is different, and you respond to life and create your experiences rather than just react? Do you want to be the Passenger or the Pilot of your Life? And it’s not about control either. It’s about engagement. It’s about engaging with Life and crafting your chosen experience of it. It’s about choosing experiences which expand you, fill you up with joy, inspire you, soothe you. Until you are full, fuller, fullest. How do you want to feel Dear One? How do you want to nourish and invest your precious energy, this precious life? It’s about saying YES to people and experiences that chime with you, that match and support your personal vibrational signature and values, both work and personal. It’s about living life with a sense of purpose. It’s about coming alive with COLOUR. Will you join me in this invitation? Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash
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AuthorMoriah Ama Hope Archives
September 2022